Dino Philosophy
The basic idea in the Play-based philosophy of education is that all children carry within themselves the person they will become. To develop physically, intellectually, and spiritually to the fullest, children must have the freedom to move, explore and discover– a freedom to be achieved through order and self-discipline. Dr. Montessori often spoke of the importance of the “prepared environment” and here at ABCDino Academy, we have taken this to heart. We have created an environment for the developing child that includes everything from detailed architectural elements, natural surroundings, and scientifically designed learning materials, along with love, respect, and warm smiles from the faculty and staff.
Independence and passion for learning are supported by high-quality learning materials. The materials are specifically designed to teach basic reading, writing, and math skills, as well as fundamental neurological organizational processes important for all types of learning. The joyful hum of the classroom during the day is proof that children are happy when engaging in purposeful work and play.